Author Friends of Sharphill

About the Wood

Friends of Sharphill Wood: 10th Anniversary Event On 22 January 2018 the Group had been in existence for 10 years and to mark this milestone a special event was…

Annual Reports

Friends of Sharphill Wood 2018 Annual Report May 2018     Founded 22 January 2008: Tenth Annual Report  There were 9 ordinary meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood in the…

Work Party

On this fine summer morning we made use of 3 scythes, kindly loaned to us from Skylarks. Nick brought the scythes and trained us in their use and maintenance (not…


The dawn chorus walk took place this morning as planned. Despite rain during the last week, paths were bad only in places. There were 3 Friends and 8 guests. Most…

Work Party

Despite (or maybe because of) beautiful weather, we had a low turnout of volunteers today. Nevertheless, we continued laying previously coppiced timber as path edging, fixed with similarly coppiced posts,…

Work Party

On this occasion we took a break from path edging and instead deployed posts to help block gaps in the south-west boundary. We used the post driver to install about…

Work Party

Today we had a reasonable turn-out again. We climbed the hill in a brisk easterly wind, which was particularly noticeable when working in the north-east corner. The main task was…

Surveys and Sightings

SHARPHILL WOOD FLORA SURVEY 2017  Notes to accompany Excel Spreadsheet ‘Flora Survey_2017_final’  To view the flora survey spreadsheet click here   The 2017 survey is located in worksheet ‘2017’; earlier surveys…

Work Party

Summary Today the weather was very mild, although at times we had to contend with a strong westerly wind. We started in the north-west corner (zone 1) and felled 2…

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