Browsing: Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Covid-19 has meant that we were unable to hold our ordinary meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood face to face, but thanks to Friends David Nicholson-Cole and Chrissie Wells…

Annual Reports

Due to the Covid-19 lockdown there were no ordinary meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood for April and May 2020 and we missed the 12 May Annual General Meeting.…

Annual Reports

Friends of Sharphill Wood 2018 Annual Report May 2018     Founded 22 January 2008: Tenth Annual Report  There were 9 ordinary meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood in the…

Annual Reports

The Friends of Sharphill Wood Annual Report 2017 is below and will be finalised at the AGM on 09/05/2017. Friends of Sharphill Wood Annual Report 2017_v5

Annual Reports

Founded 22 January 2008: Seventh Annual Report There were 9 meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood in the year to 10 May 2016. The Annual General Meeting, postponed to…

Annual Reports

Friends of Sharphill Wood  2015 Annual Report   May 2015   Founded 22 January 2008: Sixth Annual Report  There were 10 meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood in the year to…

Annual Reports

Friends of Sharphill Wood Annual Report 2014 There were 10 meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood in the year to 13 May 2014. The Annual General Meeting on 14…

Annual Reports

Friends of Sharphill Wood Annual Report 2012 – 2013 Annual Report May 2012 to April 2013 – May 2013 Founded 22 January 2008: Fourth Annual Report There were 10 meetings of the…

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