Author Friends of Sharphill

Printable Nature Trail

This printable nature trail was created sometime ago by Chrissie. However it seems very appropriate that we make it available to be used as an activity for walking through the…

Work Party

Heavy overnight rain cleared away in time, and although there was a strong westerly wind the work party was not impacted (apart from having to trudge through a lot of…

Work Party

Another successful work party with no fewer than 4 new volunteers. We thinned some invasive species, mainly Norway maple but also some sycamore, growing in the middle of the wood…

Work Party

What a fantastic work party! We had a magnificent turn-out in nice weather and managed to plant all 200 whips along a further 130m of the eastern boundary, extending south…

Work Party

We had an excellent turn-out today for more tree planting along the eastern boundary, just inside the fence erected by the developers. The weather was fine, and although windy, we…

Work Party

We had received about 400 whips from the Woodland Trust, comprising 6 species suitable for woodland edge: blackthorn, elder, dogrose, hazel, crab apple and rowan. So our task today was…

Work Party

David and I spent a couple of hours at the Wood this morning clearing the way for planting donated whips, hopefully at the next regular work party on 24th November.…

Work Party

We enjoyed lovely sunny weather for the work party today, although numbers were down because of the rugby world cup semi-final and school half term. We already had some material…

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