Author Friends of Sharphill

Work Party

The sudden arrival just before Christmas of 10 canopy trees donated by Rushcliffe Borough Council prompted an additional work party to get them planted. Fortunately we had managed to get…

Work Party

A combination of the weather and closeness to Christmas limited participation today, but we were delighted to welcome two new volunteers, Jess and Paul. There was a gap in the…

Work Party

Today we ran two separate work parties of 6, operating in different parts of the site. Between the two work parties we planted whips that we had been unable to plant because of lockdown at…

Work Party

It was great to be able to hold our first work party since lock-down, even though we were restricted, with a maximum of 6 members. Four regulars were joined by…

About the Wood

There are three official access points to Sharphill Wood, one at the northern end (Peveril entrance) and two at the south-eastern corner. There is no access directly from a road.…

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