Author groberts

Work Party

The weather today was fine but quite windy, particularly later on, and ground conditions were quite muddy in places. We were delighted to be joined by 11 Meadow Covert scouts…

Work Party

Richard  E kindly led the work party today in my absence and provided the following report. 1. Summary For the first Work Party of 2017, we had a good attendance…

Surveys and Sightings

This is the start of a regular check of our resident and visiting bird population to see how they are being supported by the wood in 2013. Each survey shows…

Surveys and Sightings

Survey in Sharphill Wood by Nottinghamshire Fungi Group 2013 Thursday 17th October was the date chosen by the Group to very kindly carry out a survey of species of fungi…

Work Party

This was a small work party, but nevertheless we achieved a reasonable amount in fine weather conditions. The first job was to coppice a hazel stool in the north-western plantation…