Annual Report 2022


Covid-19 has meant that we were unable to hold our ordinary meetings of the Friends of Sharphill Wood face to face, but thanks to Friends David Nicholson-Cole and Chrissie Wells we have had 8 meetings via Zoom and hope to resume our normal meetings in the future. The Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2021 were as follows:

Chairperson – Phil Miller

Vice Chair – Chrissie Wells

Secretary – Bill Logan

Treasurer – Chrissie Wells

Publicity Officer – Jo Miller

Work Party Coordinator – John Elwell

Work Party Leaders – Richard Elliott, Mike Rivett
During the year Jo Miller stood down and she was thanked for her many years of service to the Group. Mike Rivett has carried out the role of Publicity Officer in place of Jo. There were 90 Friends on the circulation list in May 2022, up from 78 in 2021.

Full annual report is here

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