work party update 26/11/2017



Cold weather with a bit of light rain at times failed to deter us. Our main task was to plant whips donated by TCV – a total of 100 plants comprising Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Guelder Rose, Dogwood and Goat Willow. A number of gaps had been identified along the northern boundary (zone 2), but to give the whips a reasonable chance there needed to be some clearing of overhanging branches and ground cover such as ivy and bramble. We also needed to apply mulch around the roots when planting and around the plants after planting. This required transporting composted wood chip from the pile near the Wheatcroft gate right up to the northern end. Several volunteers pushed barrow loads up the hill, and I lost count of how many Mark and guest Henry brought. Ian planted some Goat Willow whips either side of the main path where mature trees had been felled, in the hope that there might now be sufficient light and water. The remaining volunteers carried out clearing and planting along the northern boundary. About ¾ of the whips were planted and the rest will be done at the December work party. In addition, Mike planted 3 oaks to the east of the main path (zone 4) that he had grown from acorns, David spread some stones on muddy sections of path, and some litter was removed.

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