Work Party 6/11/22


Today’s work party was a replacement for the October work party, cancelled because of foul weather, but despite relatively short notice we had an excellent turn-out of 16 volunteers. On this occasion the weather was fine, although rain began as we were packing up.

One group of volunteers, led by Bill and David, installed a new notice board by the southern entrance. This had kindly been constructed by David with materials paid for with a grant from East Midlands Airport. Digging out deep holes for the posts was challenging, but the resourceful team managed it in the end.

The remainder focused on coppicing Wych Elm in the northern part of the wood, building up dead-hedging along the nearby western boundary, pulling up invasive Sycamore saplings with our tree popper, and constructing path edging on the approaches to the board walk. Also Chrissie gave a brief impromptu talk to the volunteers at the start, did some litter picking and handed out our “Neighbour Wood Watch” cards to many passers by. Thanks to all.

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