Work Party 28/11/21


This morning we enjoyed crisp, cold, calm weather to make a start on this winter’s planting marathon. Because of generous funding, we have now taken delivery of approximately 600 whips (Dog Rose, Hawthorn and Blackthorn) for boundary planting. First we wanted to plug half a dozen gaps on the eastern boundary where insufficient whips planted in recent years had survived. Logistically this was somewhat challenging, as we had to move all the equipment and whips to the nearest point on the eastern path in turn and then take things through the boundary to where planting was required. In addition, despite some rain in the previous 48 hours, the ground was still quite hard following the drought in recent weeks, so digging was a bit tough. Despite this, our 10 volunteers, including new recruits Larisa, Jennifer and Flora, did sterling work and we managed to plant about 70 whips and finish that boundary. The remaining whips have had their roots placed in compost in boxes in Bill’s garden to keep them fresh.  Next time we plan to start on the western boundary, which will be more straightforward. Other jobs accomplished were removal of a small tree from the eastern path, blown down in yesterday’s gale, and re-installation of nest box 74, which had been removed for hinge repair. David barrowed some stones up to treat the muddy section of path by the triangle.

(I’m sure this hill gets steeper month on month!)

Mistle Thrush was heard singing, both at the northern end and at the southern end of the wood. This species often recommences singing in late autumn. It is possible that two territories are being established. We also heard Buzzard and Goldcrest.


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