Work Party 27/11/22


Another good turnout of 15 volunteers today, enjoying nice weather. The main task was the planting of 120 whips (Crab Apple, Dog Rose, Dogwood, Hazel and Hawthorn) kindly donated by the Woodland Trust. These were used to fill two gaps towards the southern end of the western boundary, just inside the fence. That was accomplished pretty well by coffee break, after which we split up and undertook a variety of smaller tasks: removal of a hanging branch by one of the nest boxes, cutting down two small trees leaning over the western path, clearing back some branches from a fallen Sweet Chestnut by the central path, and a good deal of popping and cutting down of invasive Norway Maple and Sycamore in the central area. Also David once again distributed stones to some of the muddier sections of the paths near the southern end. Thanks to all.

John Elwell

(and thanks to Andy for the photos)

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