Work party, 26/3/23


Cloudy but comfortable weather, along with a singing Mistle Thrush perched high over the northern edge of the wood, greeted our 12 volunteers today.

We have planted a considerable amount over recent years: canopy trees in 4 “trial planting areas” where a reasonable amount of sunlight penetrates; and young hedgerow plants (“whips”) inside the boundary fence on the eastern and western sides. The morning was spent checking these. First we split into two groups, checking the eastern and western boundary whips, re-staking or tying up some that had fallen over, fitting new guards where required, and removing a few guards where there had been substantial growth. Encroaching bramble was cleared in a few places. It was good to see how many had survived and were thriving, although there were a few gaps that would benefit from further planting next winter.

After the drinks break we again split into two groups to check the trial planting areas, removing excessive bramble and checking the ties were not too tight or loose. All the trees (Small-leaved Lime and Oak) seemed to be doing well, apart from last year’s Oaks, which we will replace next winter. In addition Bill and Richard investigated what we will require to smarten up the metal notice board at the northern entrance – it seems it would benefit from a new lock, backing board and magnets.

Thanks to all

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