Work Party 25/10/2020


Today we ran two separate work parties of 6, operating in different parts of the site. Between the two work parties we planted whips that we had been unable to plant because of lockdown at the end of last winter. Most of these had been stored in Rod’s garden, and had grown quite well during the summer. The remainder had been heeled in on-site to await rescue, but some of these have probably not survived. Altogether approximately 100 were planted, completing the southern end of the eastern boundary, and  starting some of the northern boundary. Some Goat Willow was planted in areas close to the central path where it tends to be quite damp. In addition, we cleared some encroaching vegetation (particularly bramble) from around the oaks and limes planted in early 2019 near the southern end of the central path.

by John Elwell (work party coordinator)

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