Work Party, 25/06/23


Under very warm conditions (thankfully not too bad under the canopy), 9 of us set off with the main task of clearing the paths, which in places were suffering from the encroachment of vegetation.

Nick very kindly brought 3 scythes, property of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, and demonstrated how to use them and how to keep them sharp. Most of us used the scythes, working up the central path from the triangle, including a stretch that had become very narrow.

In the meantime Bill, assisted by Tim, used our brush-cutter down the central part of the main path until we met in the middle. Finally we cleared a few bits along the western path and the cut-through from the main path. With a modicum of raking up and lopping stray stems, it was job done!

Meanwhile Rod did a fine job applying a second coat of varnish to the notice board by the Wheatcroft gate, and David brought some water up for the mini-pond. Thanks to all, especially Nick for bringing the scythes

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