Work party 23/04/2017


During fine weather today, 8 of us climbed the hill and spent the morning doing useful things at the Wood. We were particularly delighted to welcome Ron for his first work party with us.

The bird nesting season is here, so we were restricted in what we could do. First we cleared the party site of litter (several bags) and moved the logs used as seats well out of the way. We also checked the results of bluebell planting in early 2016, but sadly only a small proportion of what was planted seem to be coming through, and they seem to be well behind the mass of bluebells already in full flower in other parts of the north end.

Then we split up, and several volunteers cleared the entrance to the drain under the “swamp of doom”, installed by the county council 4 years ago and last cleared 2 years ago. Fresh stones (not coated in mud) were put in place. Also a channel was dug by the drain exit. A couple of volunteers checked the badger setts at the southern end, in response to concern from a member of the public, but no damage was noted. The remaining volunteers tended whips along the western boundary, removing encroaching vegetation and spreading wood chip as mulch. We finished about 13.00, having completed the planned work.

John  ( work party  co ordinator)

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