Work Party 23/05/2021


Sunday’s Work Party was led by Richard. We split into two sub-groups on entering the wood, one sub-group concentrating on path edging, and the other picking up the other tasks.

Bill, Rosa and Laurette inspected the 3 trial areas where canopy trees have been recently planted in Zone 3, trimming back any encroaching vegetation and removing the geotex. They then returned to Zone 2 and dismantled a party site and flattened some of the cycle humps (all Zone 2).

Richard, Rod and Lucie continued with the path edge maintenance in the NE of the wood (Zone 2). The southern end of this section (more or less at the junction with Zone 4) is now complete; the northern end is rehabilitated to within approximately 10 metres of the eastern path’s junction with the central path.

David put some stones on sections of path in need of further support.

John Elwell (Work Party Coordinator)

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