Work party 22/01/2017


Richard  E kindly led the work party today in my absence and provided the following report.

1. Summary

For the first Work Party of 2017, we had a good attendance (14). The weather was very cold with lightly frozen ground at the start, but fine and clear; the frozen ground soon thawed to facilitate the day’s work.

Our work comprised dead hedging, whip planting, coppicing and some path maintenance. We installed the remaining posts to fill in further gaps in the extreme SW boundary (just to the North of the ‘Landmere Lane Entrance’) with dead hedging. In addition to dead material lying around, we felled and stump-treated a sycamore to provide additional poles and brash for the dead hedge. The Hawthorn and Blackthorn whips were planted in front (field side) of several sections of the dead hedging, and a few whips were also planted inside the wood to reinforce the blocking-off of an unofficial path.

by John E work party co ordinator

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