Work Party, 22/10/23


A beautiful sunny morning for the 10 of us today, including first-timer Bob. Once again we were thinning a few youngish trees at the northern end, using the material to replace lengths of rotting or missing path edging on the eastern path. In parallel with this, Bill and Richard dismantled and removed a small pallet dumped on the hill at the southern end, and also blocked a couple of gaps in the south-eastern corner. After a drinks break, accompanied by some delicious tray-bake brought by Barry, we pulled up or cut down some invasive maple species. David distributed more stones to some of the muddier sections of the main path, and, prior to the start, helped to make the cut-through from Peveril passable with our barrows following Friday’s torrential rain. Thanks to all.


(Many thanks to Paul for the photos.)

(Also thanks to whoever found my lens hood – lost in 2021!)

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