Special Work Party, 14/9/23


IFS is a multinational enterprise software company headquartered in Linköping, Sweden. The local office is Toll Bar House  on Melton Road near Sharphill Wood and they indicated an interest is supporting a local charity.

Thus it was that 12 of their employees set out in pouring rain for a community work day on 14th September. The staff engaged enthusiastically in the tasks to be carried out, while learning about the Wood and its management. Prior to the break we split into two groups. One group cut back vegetation along the main path and around the triangle, where paths were getting rather narrow with bramble and  nettles, following a fairly wet summer. This was achieved using grass hooks, shears and loppers. The second group removed some small Sycamore and coppiced some small Wych Elm along the eastern path, using saws, loppers and our tree popper.

Afterwards the two groups merged to help build dead hedges from the arisings, as well as saving a few poles for future path edging. They worked very cheerfully and diligently all morning and into the afternoon, going the extra mile in helping with the task of getting our tools up and down the dreaded hill.

Grateful thanks have been conveyed to all from IFS who took part.

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