Sharphill Wood Earthworm Survey 24 April 2024


Encouraged that the earthworm has been crowned UK invertebrate of the year by Guardian readers
Barry Cunnison and I carried out a 3rd earthworm survey on Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 14:00pm for 2.75 hours in dry overcast conditions in c7 o. The soil in most survey locations was moist with only a few wet areas despite a wet April.

Previous surveys have been carried out on 27 April and 23 October 2023. We chose approximately the same locations to make comparisons as attached.

The findings show a much increased number of worms at all locations with only 2 sites with no worms. In total, there were 33 adults and a much larger 48 juveniles making 2025 per sqm, well above the average of 200 sqm. We will do further research to establish why our figures are apparently above what should be expected. 

For future surveys we will draw up a guide based on available material to more accurately determine the type and age of our finds.  

Bill Logan

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