Next work party – 23 October 2022


We will continue coppicing of trees such as Elder and Wych Elm, as well as removing small specimens of invasive Sycamore and Norway Maple. We will use the arisings for dead-hedging to help block boundary gaps, and perhaps save some material for path edging. In addition, a few volunteers will be required to assist with erection of a new notice board by the southern entrance.

We hope to see you there, but please let us know via email or our contact page before hand if possible.

When: Sunday 23rd October, meeting at 09.45 until early afternoon.

Who: Young or old, no experience necessary and there’s always something to do even if you can’t do heavy work. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and all children aged 16 or 17 must have the written permission of a parent or guardian. Vulnerable adults must be accompanied by their carer.

Where: Meeting point will be the entrance from Peveril Drive, 09.45, or find us in the woods if you arrive later.,+West+Bridgford,+Nottingham,+UK&hl=en&ved=0CA0Q-gswAA&sa=X&ei=CeETT6X2OsKz8QOa5NnzCw&sig2=zNHwjd-TlUQ0cw33fxke2g

How: Relevant training will be given where necessary.

Safety: All volunteers must pay attention to the safety of themselves and others. A Risk Assessment will be prepared and will be available for inspection on the day. Please respect all decisions of the work party leader.

Other Useful Info:

·  Please wear suitable gardening clothes and sturdy footwear. Covering arms and legs might be advisable to help avoid insect bites, ticks, stings, scratches, etc..  Also the use of insect repellent might be appropriate, particularly from spring through to early autumn.

·  Also bring gardening gloves if you have them (although we have a supply if anyone needs them). If you have been issued with a hard hat, please bring it.

·  We will supply appropriate tools, but if you do bring your own, please inspect them for safety.

·  Bring a drink. We will stop for a break mid-morning. If you can stay beyond the morning, please bring a packed lunch.

·  Waterproofs / sun-cream would be useful to cover every weather eventuality!

·  It is highly recommended that you ensure your tetanus vaccinations are up-to-date.

Please advise the leader of any pre-existing condition that should be taken into account in the event of a medical emergency during the work party.

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