New shed!


The Friends of Sharphill Wood necessarily has a large number of tools for use at work parties. These include shovels, spades, loppers, billhooks, saws, as well as a first aid kit, safety equipment …and wheelbarrows to move them in.

Our long-serving chair, Phil Miller, kindly kept these; they filled his small garden shed at great inconvenience to him, and he also took care of maintaining them. When Phil resigned earlier this year he said he could only continue to store the tools temporarily – we needed to find somewhere else.

Needless to say, this had to be somewhere near the wood. Fortunately another long-standing member, David Nicholson-Cole, who lives close to the wood, offered to build a suitable storage facility against his house. Rushcliffe Borough Council agreed to fund this and David went ahead, largely by himself, using recycled and repurposed materials wherever possible.

The new shed now is now housing most of our tools and Phil will very soon have his shed back! Well done and thank-you David!

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