March 2022 Bird Survey


(Our bird expert, John, walks the wood around 6 times between March and June and records all the birds he hears and/or sees each time. Below is his report for a walk done on 25 March 2022.)

Chrissie helped me with the first bird survey visit of the season. Most of the usual suspects were there, and with the absence of leaves we managed to see most of the species detected, in particular:

  • 2 sightings of Treecreeper (see photo taken on northern edge of zone 2);
  • Nuthatch heard on 3 occasions;
  • 2 sightings of Jay, the second involving a bird moving around at low level between zones 1 and 2;
  • 2 sightings of Green Woodpecker;
  • 1 sighting of Great Spotted Woodpecker (drumming heard on a number of occasions);
  • 2 sightings of Song Thrush;
  • 2 sightings of Chiffchaff (many were singing);
  • Skylark on hill;
  • Buzzard overhead;
  • strangely, a Heron (flying north-east along south-eastern edge of wood);
  • good numbers of Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Long-tailed Tit, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Stock Dove etc..

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