Hole on main path: update


Story so far:

Back in the summer a hole opened up a short way down the central path from the Peveril Road entrance. This was in an area of extensive historic badger activity, apparently caused by the collapse of a tunnel. The Friends reported this to the Council (Rushcliffe Borough Council) and placed some branches over the hole to cover it and make the path slightly safer.

The Council commissioned EMEC Ecology to conduct a detailed survey , which took place on September 7th. EMEC found that a wide area is still in use and recommended either that the path be diverted at least 20m to the east or else a timber walkway be constructed to raise the footpath above the area effected by badger tunnels. The decision about this work (and funding) is for Rushcliffe Borough Council (the owner) and Notts County Council (responsible for rights of way) to decide.

Current position:

The Council has arranged for substantial tree trunks to be placed on each side of the path in order to keep walkers away from the danger. The Friends have painted the ends of these trunks white to make them more visible at dusk/dawn.

After discussing the alternative solutions at a monthly Tuesday meeting the Friends have informed the Council that we prefer the walkway solution. It was felt that any attempt to divert the current path (short of a vey substantial barrier and fencing) would be unsuccessful. Also, the area suggested for the diversion is where the bluebells grow in the spring. We await developments.

The council have agreed to this idea, but cannot fund a walkway until the new 2022/3 financial year. (Meanwhile the badgers have shown renewed interest in the collapsed tunnel!

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