Browsing: Work Party

Work Party

There were 9 of us today in warm, sunny weather. The shade of the wood was welcome, and fortunately the weather didn’t appear to have brought insects out in force,…

Friends News

There were 7 participants this morning in glorious weather, yet not too hot under the canopy. We proudly used our two new scythes and two new shears, tackling encroaching vegetation…

Friends News

There were 7 participants this morning, despite the threat of showers, which thankfully didn’t materialise. Richard kindly led the main group, which walked the western and central paths clearing encroaching…


There were 10 of us this morning, once again in very pleasant conditions with plenty of bird song (even a couple of bursts of song from a winter-visiting Blackcap). On…

Work Party

There were 11 of this morning in pleasant conditions, being largely sheltered from the cold breeze that we encountered as we climbed the hill. The main task was planting 100…

Friends News

Three members carried out work recommended at the annual site visit last August. This is a task using power tools which is better to undertake outside the regular monthly work…


We did very well on this unscheduled work party only a week before Christmas. 14 volunteers turned out on a cloudy, breezy day to plant 10 oaks kindly donated by…

News Work Party 26/11/23

A cold, dull morning failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the 13 participants today, and we soon warmed up as we got to work. Much of the time was spent…


A beautiful sunny morning for the 10 of us today, including first-timer Bob. Once again we were thinning a few youngish trees at the northern end, using the material to…


Coolish conditions made it very pleasant for the 10 hard-working volunteers today. We were pleased to welcome two new Duke of Edinburgh award candidates, Charlotte and Jack, and their fathers.…

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