In summary, 95 species of wildflower, 30 species of tree and 17 species of grass, sedge, rush and fern were identified in 2024 (a total of 142 species), including some…
In summary, 95 species of wildflower, 30 species of tree and 17 species of grass, sedge, rush and fern were identified in 2024 (a total of 142 species), including some…
The main points of interest compared with preceding years were as follows: – very low numbers of Chaffinch recorded; – four species that had not been recorded during previous surveys…
As in previous years, I have carried out inspections of our nest boxes at roughly weekly intervals between mid-April and mid-June, with help on the different occasions from Simon (twice),…
John and Jenni visited the wood on both occasions; this are John’s reports: 29/4/24: On the way down we heard Lesser Whitethroat singing along northern edge and in the hedgerow (may have…
Encouraged that the earthworm has been crowned UK invertebrate of the year by Guardian readers Cunnison and I carried out a 3rd earthworm survey on Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 14:00pm…
15 of us set off at 06.00 this morning to listen to the early morning bird song in Sharphill Wood in fine but chilly weather. A Song Thrush and a…
On 21 March our bird expert, John, took a walk around the wood. These are his observations. Plenty of bird-song, of course. Main birds to note were: A good many…
With thanks to Nick Mills for his advice and guidance following his earthworm survey at Skylarks, Barry Cunnison and Bill Logan have conducted two earthworm surveys in the wood this…
Completed survey, along with comparative data for previous years, now available. Many thanks to Richard Elliott for the diligent and time-consuming work he has put in this year. Please read…
John’s new report is now available. This is based on several visits to the wood between late March and early June. These surveys have been conducted annually starting 2018. To…