Bird surveys, 29/4/24 and 16/5/24


John and Jenni visited the wood on both occasions; this are John’s reports:


  • On the way down we heard Lesser Whitethroat singing along northern edge and in the hedgerow (may have been the same individual). This is the first time I have recorded it on site. It’s a scrub/hedgerow species rather than a woodland species, but the habitat there would seem suitable.
  • Still failed to find Common Whitethroat in either of its usual locations, but there is still time. Last year I thought we had lost them and then all of a sudden, on one of the last visits, 2 adults seemed to be guarding a (hidden) nest.
  • Sparrowhawk seen in tree on eastern side of zone 4, before it flew off (see photo).
  • Brimstone and Orange Tip butterflies along south-eastern boundary.
  • A pair of Jays seen twice in flight, apparently following one another.


Most of the usual suspects were recorded. Particular points of note were:

stock dove
  • A new species for the site (as far as I am concerned). A Reed Warbler was singing at the bottom of zone 4, opposite TPA1. Why on earth was it there. Normally only found in or in the vicinity of reed beds. Is there reed around the pool on the new estate?
  • Linnet still there in numbers (5 were seen) in the southern scrub and on the wires.
  • (Common) Whitethroat singing in the hedgerow below the Peveril gate, but still no sign of the species in the southern scrub.
  • No further sign of Lesser Whitethroat, after we heard one (or possibly 2) singing at the northern end on the previous survey visit.
  • Unusually, we didn’t hear Blackcap this time, although I am sure they must be there still. My suspicion at the moment is that their numbers at Sharphill have been down a bit this year (surprising for a species that is generally doing well).
  • Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming still and calling, Green Woodpecker calling, but no sign of Nuthatch, Treecreeper or Jay on this occasion.

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