Author groberts

Work Party

Today’s work party took place in fine weather. We were able to resume woodland work now it is autumn, and we focused on removing some of the many small Norway…

Work Party

Excellent weather today, and as we were working inside the wood we were sheltered from the heat of the sun, although insects were an annoyance at times. This being the…

Work Party

Today’s work party took place in dry but cloudy conditions with mud underfoot in many places following rain overnight and during the previous few days. Except towards the northern end,…

Work Party

Today we enjoyed perfect weather, with the wood in its full spring glory. Because of the bird nesting season we were restricted in what we could do. The main task…

Work Party

Today we enjoyed perfect weather, with the wood in its full spring glory. Because of the bird nesting season we were restricted in what we could do. The main task…

Work Party

Fine weather once again – we have been lucky at recent work parties. Now we are into the bird nesting season, we were somewhat restricted in what we could do,…

Work Party

In decent but breezy weather conditions we accomplished quite a lot in a short space of time. Considering it is Easter, we had a better than expected turn-out, so we…

Surveys and Sightings

Bird survey results March 2012. On 23rd March between 07:30 -09:30 three volunteers did an early morning bird survey before the nesting season got underway. This is the start of a regular…

Work Party

We once again had fine weather, exceptionally mild for the time of year, but we had to contend with extremely muddy conditions. One group planted whips donated by TCV in…