We are a group of volunteers who help to look after the wood. Anyone who uses or cares about Sharphill Wood can be a member.
There’s no membership fee and we are always pleased to welcome new members – especially if you have some time to help out in a practical way (either with conservation tasks or with running the group). In fact the group of members who run the Friends has been shrinking and we are all getting on in years and desperately need volunteers to come forward and help.
If you can offer skills or time – or would like to develop skills – in any of the following roles, please talk to us!: secretary, treasurer, publicity/social media, web site management, IT skills (e.g. use of bulk email).
We run monthly practical conservation work parties, carrying out work such as tree and hedge planting, path maintenance and rubbish removal. For more details about this please look at some of our Work Party reports (via the menu at the top of this page). We carry out nature surveys and also encourage other specialist groups to do so. We maintain and monitor around 35 nest boxes and report on their usage year by year.
There’s a record of our planting activities here.
Members receive emails (about 4 per month) giving information relevant to the wood and notices of meetings and work parties. We will send you a consent form to allow us to store your details (under Data Protection regulations). Let us know if you want to help, but if you just want to receive the emails that’s fine.
Meetings are held most months on the second Tuesday of most months, often in Edwalton Manor Care Home (near the Notcutts Garden Centre). Work parties are usually on the fourth Sunday and generally run from 9:45 till 1pm. Forthcoming work parties and meetings are listed here.
We have a Facebook page. (You do not need a Facebook account to look at the top level.)
The management of the wood is governed by a 5-year Management Plan.
A major challenge in recent years has been the huge development on what was formerly agricultural land to the east of the wood. In spite of considerable local opposition, the building work has changed the landscape considerably, and continues to do so. The Friends have engaged with both the council and the developers to reduce the impact of this development; more details here.
To make complaints, suggestions or compliments, please see our Complaints, Suggestions and Complements page
As a group working with the public we are subject to defined policies, e.g. for safeguarding and privacy. To access these go to our Policies page.
If you have information or ideas to share about the wood and its management please use the contact form to get in touch.