26th June 2016


Today’s work party took place in dry but cloudy conditions with mud underfoot in many places following rain overnight and during the previous few days. Except towards the northern end, much of the main path had vegetation encroaching, making it quite narrow in places. Fortunately Nick Mills from NWT’s Skylarks reserve came with three scythes and showed us how to use them. After we had all practised, Nick, Mike and John completed the clearing of the path, while Phil, Ian and Rod undertook other tasks. Phil and Ian attempted to remove some of the excess mud from the worst swampy area on the main path, the hope being that as we bring more stones there in future they will not be quite so submerged in mud. Meanwhile Rod continued diligent inspection of whips in the northern half of the wood, tending to guards and canes.

by John E work party co ordinator

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