24th July 2016


Excellent weather today, and as we were working inside the wood we were sheltered from the heat of the sun, although insects were an annoyance at times. This being the last work party during the bird nesting season, we limited ourselves to path work and preparation for the autumn. Phil and Chrissie painstakingly scraped more mud from the “swamp of doom”, and although there was little to show, I’m sure it will help. The rest of us used grass hooks, loppers and shears to cut back some of the encroaching vegetation towards the top of the western path. After a drinks break, we then moved to the “plantation” area in the north-west corner of the wood and marked trees for coppicing and felling later in the year. We identified about a dozen Wych Elm and a few Hazel trees for coppicing, plus a few Sycamores and a Norway Maple for felling. This will generate plenty of material for dead-hedging and path edging. Chrissie collected a load of rubbish, including glass..

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