2023 Flora Survey


This report summarises the results from a survey of the flora observed in Sharphill Wood during a number of visits made in 2023; the report follows similar surveys carried out by the author (Richard Elliott) in the six previous years, 2017-2022.

 In summary, 89 species of wildflower, 29 species of tree and 16 species of grass, sedge, rush and fern were identified in 2023 (a total of 134 species), including some not previously recorded. As in previous surveys, some species which have been recorded in earlier years were not identified in 2023 (these are shown by a blank entry in column H). It is likely that the reasons for this include the observational issues outlined above, species variability and the ongoing development (rather than any significant change in composition).

Many thanks to Richard for this excellent work.


1: Report (PDF format)

2: Species spreadsheet 2017-23 (PDF format)

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